Our region comprises 5,000 sq kms of internationally renowned chalk streams and valleys* alongside our coastal areas
The natural capital and economy of the region present shared challenges and opportunities, which can be effectively addressed through coordinated efforts
*In geological terms, the Wessex Basin, as illustrated, consists mainly of Chalk Downland in the North and a Palaeogene combination of clays and chalks in the South, as seen in the New Forest.

We take the view that up to 80% of the region’s biodiversity has been lost over the last 40 years.
Whilst others may argue or take a different view, smart businesses are taking responsibility for the required reinstatement programme. They see it as an opportunity to develop resilient business models for the future

The emissions produced by industrial and heavy transportation activities in the region necessitate a comprehensive solution.
The UK Government regards the Solent area as a significant industrial cluster that demands decarbonisation, given its seven primary sources of emissions. This represents a considerable business prospect for the region.

BioSouth is structured to adopt an intelligent approach to managing all aspects of the region’s natural capital.
The call for change from consumers, investors, and the government is resounding, and it is evident that a fragmented approach isn’t enough, particularly given the need to address climate change and the necessity for continued growth in the region.

Creating room for growth in the region’s principal industrial sectors.
This would generate opportunities for all, including employment prospects for young people, foreign investment, potential for infrastructure expansion, new markets for suppliers, sustainable local produce yielding high-demand products, growth in retail, hospitality, tourism, and business services.